Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 05/17/2023

At Quantum AI, we prioritize securing your personal information and safeguarding your privacy.


Our Privacy Policy is designed to shed light on how we handle, collect, retain, and utilize the data you share in connection with our website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”).


Our commitment to you includes the following principles:


Transparency Regarding the Handling of Your Personal Data:


We believe in empowering you with all necessary information to make informed decisions regarding the processing of your personal data. We strive to deliver pertinent information about the handling of your data in a timely and appropriate manner.


Moreover, if we identify a need to deliver specific information to you, rest assured we will do so at the most suitable time and place.


Should you have any inquiries or need clarifications, we are ready to assist within legal parameters. Please feel free to reach us at [email protected].


Processing Your Personal Data Only as Outlined in this Policy:


We may process your personal data for several reasons, which include but are not limited to, enabling you to access and use our Website, enhancing user experience, improving our services (including the Website), safeguarding our rights and interests, conducting business and administrative activities that support the delivery of our services to users, meeting any legal and/or regulatory requirements, and understanding your personal preferences and needs.


Dedication to Respect Your Rights in Relation to Your Personal Data:


We are committed to ensuring you can exercise your rights as a data subject. You can reach out to us anytime you want to review your personal data, request its amendment, deletion, limit its usage for certain purposes or in general, or have it transferred to you or a third party. We assure you we will act in compliance with the law.


Security of Your Personal Data:


While we can’t guarantee absolute protection of your personal data, we assure you we utilize an extensive range of methods and measures to secure it.


Our Detailed Privacy Policy


1. The Extent of the Policy:
This Policy covers the types of personal data we collect about individuals and how we collect, use, share, protect, process it, and more.


In this policy, “Personal Data” pertains to any information linked to an identifiable person. An identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or along with additional information we possess or can access.


The term “processing” in this Policy refers to any activity performed on personal data, including its collection, recording, organization, storage, modification, retrieval, usage, disclosure, alignment, restriction, erasure, or destruction.


Our services are not targeted at children under 18. We do not knowingly collect information from or allow access to our services to anyone under this age. If we discover that a child’s information has been collected, we will take steps to delete it as soon as possible.


2. When Do We Collect Personal Data About You?
We collect personal data when you interact with our Services, use our service channels, navigate our Website, and/or contact us. In some cases, you willingly share this data with us, and in others, we gather it by analyzing your interactions with our Services and service channels.


3. Voluntary Provision of Personal Data and Its Implications
While there’s no obligation to share your personal data with us, not doing so might prevent us from delivering our Services, inhibit your use of the Website, or disrupt the functionality of our Services and Website.


4. What Personal Data About You Do We Collect?
We collect personal data during your visits to our Website, including online activity log, traffic data (including IP address, access times and dates, visited pages, language used, software crash reports, and type of browser used), and device information. Some of this information may not personally identify you, thus not qualifying as Personal Data.


We also collect any personal data you willingly share with us when you contact us.


Lastly, we collect personal data that you explicitly provide for submission to third parties, such as your name and email address.


5. Rationale and Legal Grounds for Personal Data Processing


The Company uses your Personal Data for certain outlined objectives, adhering strictly to the respective legal foundations.


We only process your Personal Data if there is a justified legal basis. The legal grounds on which we may process your Personal Data encompass:


– You have explicitly consented to the processing of your Personal Data for one or more specific reasons. This applies to situations where you intentionally submit your information to us via the Website for us to share it with third parties.
– The necessity for processing aligns with the legitimate interests pursued by the Company or by a third party. This could include, for example, improving our Services or handling or defending legal claims.
– Processing is crucial for compliance with a legal requirement that the Company is subjected to.


At any point, you may contact us by sending an email to [email protected] for information about our review process. This will provide you with insights into whether we process your Personal Data based on the necessity for legitimate interests pursued by the Company or by a third party.


Here is a breakdown of the purposes for which we may process your Personal Data and the legal bases for such processing:


| # | Purpose | Legal Basis |
| 1 | To share your details with third parties upon your request | Your explicit consent |
| 2 | To address your inquiries, requests, and/or complaints | Legitimate interests pursued by the Company or a third party |
| 3 | To comply with any legal obligations or judicial or administrative orders | Legal obligation |
| 4 | To improve our Services | Legitimate interests pursued by the Company or a third party |
| 5 | To prevent fraud, abusive use of our Services | Legitimate interests pursued by the Company or a third party |
| 6 | To conduct and maintain various supporting activities for our Services | Legitimate interests pursued by the Company or a third party |
| 7 | To carry out analysis, including statistical analysis | Legitimate interests pursued by the Company or a third party |
| 8 | To safeguard our and third parties’ interests, rights, and assets | Legitimate interests pursued by the Company or a third party |


6. Sharing Personal Data with Third Parties


The Company may disclose your Personal Data to third-party service providers such as storage and hosting providers, IP address information analysts, and those offering user experience research, analytical, technical, and diagnostic services.


Additionally, upon your request, we may share certain Personal Data with third-party Bitcoin trading platforms. In these scenarios, your data is handled according to their respective privacy policies.


The Company may also distribute your Personal Data among its affiliated entities and business partners that enable the Company to enhance and refine the services and products offered to users.


We may divulge your Personal Data to government bodies, local authorities, and regulatory entities, as well as to protect our and third parties’ interests, rights, and assets, including initiating, exercising, or defending legal claims.


Moreover, your Personal Data may be disclosed to potential buyers, investors, or lenders to the Company and/or any company within its group, or during any similar transaction (including the sale of Company assets) and/or in relation to any merger, reorganization, consolidation, or bankruptcy of the Company or any company within its group.


7. Cookies and Third-Party Services


We may employ third-party services, such as analytics firms or companies providing advertisements on our Website. These parties may also use cookies or other technologies, and their practices are governed by their own policies.


Cookies (small text files) are installed on your device when you visit or access the Website. They enable us to gather information about you and your behavior to improve your user experience, remember your preferences, customize offerings, and generate statistics.


Some cookies are session cookies, which are temporary and last only until you close your web browser, while others are persistent cookies, which remain on your device after you’ve finished browsing and can help the Website recognize you as a returning visitor.


Types of cookies we use are:


| Type of Cookie | Purpose |
| – | – |
| Strictly Necessary Cookies | Essential for navigation and requested features |
| Functionality Cookies | Recognize you on return and remember your choices |
| Performance Cookies | Provide aggregated statistics and test, improve performance |


Note that you can modify your browser settings to block and delete some or all cookies. However, doing so may impact the Website’s features and functionalities.


Online Tracking Notice: At present, our service does not support Do-Not-Track signals.


8. Retention of Personal Data


The Company will retain your Personal Data for the necessary duration to fulfill the processing purposes outlined in this Policy, or longer if required by applicable laws, regulations, or policies.


We regularly review the Personal Data in our possession to ascertain if any can be erased, ensuring no data is retained longer than necessary.


9. Transfer of Personal Data to Third Countries or International Organizations


Your Personal Data may be transferred to a third country (a country other than where you reside) or international organizations. In such instances, the Company ensures suitable safeguards are in place to protect your Personal Data and provide enforceable data subject rights and effective legal remedies.


For residents of the European Economic Area (EEA), these safeguards and protections will apply if any of the following are met:


– The EU Commission has approved the third country or international organization for providing adequate protection to the Personal Data transferred to it.
– The transfer is based on a legally binding and enforceable instrument between public authorities or bodies.
– The transfer complies with standard data protection clauses adopted by the EU Com



For information about the safeguards we employ for data transfers, please email: [email protected]


10. Protection of Personal Data


We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure an adequate level of security for Personal Data, considering the risks presented by processing.


Under certain legal or other obligations beyond our control, we may be required to transfer Personal Data to third parties, such as public authorities. In these cases, we have limited control over the level of protection provided to your Personal Data by these third parties.


Please be aware that data transfer over the internet cannot be completely secure, and therefore, the Company cannot guarantee protection of Personal Data transmitted to us via the internet.


11. Third-Party Website Links
Our Website may contain links to third-party websites or applications. We do not control these external sites or applications, nor do we oversee their collection or handling of your Personal Data. We are not responsible for the practices or policies of these third-party sites or applications, including their privacy and data protection policies and practices. Our Policy does not govern actions taken via these external sites or applications.


We advise you to thoroughly review the privacy policies of these third-party sites or applications before using them and before disclosing any of your Personal Data.

12. Policy Amendments
We may periodically update the terms of this Policy. We will inform you of these updates by publishing the revised Policy on our Website. For major changes to this Policy, we will make a concerted effort to inform you via methods of communication we deem most appropriate, and by posting a notice on our Website. All changes will become effective immediately upon the updated Policy’s publication on our Website.


13. Your Data Protection Rights
Generally, you have the right to inquire if we are collecting Personal Data about you, to review this data, to request corrections if necessary, and to request deletion of Personal Data no longer needed by us. You also have the right to limit your consent to certain data processing activities.


For EEA residents, please note the following:


You can exercise the rights outlined below concerning your Personal Data by sending a request to our email: [email protected]


Access Right
You can ask for confirmation of whether we are processing Personal Data about you. If so, you can access the data and receive additional information, including processing purposes, data categories, recipients, and data retention periods. If data isn’t collected directly from you, you can ask about its source and whether it’s part of profiling. If data is transferred outside the EEA, you can ask about safeguards.


We can provide a copy of the data undergoing processing, with additional copies potentially incurring a fee. If requested electronically, we’ll provide the information in a commonly used electronic form unless specified otherwise.


Rectification Right
If your Personal Data is inaccurate, you can request rectification. Considering the processing purposes, you can also ask for incomplete data about you to be supplemented.


Erasure Right
You can request erasure of your Personal Data under certain circumstances. However, this right doesn’t apply when processing is necessary for legal obligations or the defense of legal claims.


Processing Restriction Right
Under certain circumstances, you can request a restriction on the processing of your Personal Data.


Data Portability Right
You can request your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, and you have the right to transfer this data to another controller, under certain conditions.


Objection Right
You can object to the processing of your Personal Data based on legitimate interests pursued by us or a third party. You can also object to processing for direct marketing purposes.


Withdrawal Right
You can withdraw your consent for data processing at any time, without affecting processing legality before withdrawal.


Complaint Right
You have the right to file a complaint with an EU supervisory authority regarding Personal Data processing.


Your rights may be subject to restrictions according to EU or Member State law.


We will respond to your requests without undue delay and within one month of receipt. This period can be extended by two months if necessary, due to request complexity or volume. In such a case, we’ll inform you within one month of receipt of your request, citing the reasons for the delay.


Your requests will be processed free of charge unless they are manifestly unfounded or excessive, in which case we may charge a reasonable fee or refuse to act on the request.


For identity verification, we may ask for additional information if we have reasonable doubts about the identity of the person making the request.